Lucas was released around noon today, he is happily at home (Philly home not Austin yet) resting and eating. He didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so not a lot of pictures.

It did occur to me that tonight would have been Lucas 40th in the hospital. I thought this was amazing because the chaplain that blessed his cells on 2/11 shared a blog with me in mid-Feb about 40 days in the wilderness. Here is a screenshot of the blog


The song by U2 was on my mind so I just looked up the lyrics, I had never read them before. It turns out that this song, which was the closing song from the “War” tour until the mid 90’s and I have listened to a million times, was taken from the 40th Psalm.


I can’t really make any of this up.

The car was quiet when we left. We held hands, got Lucas in his bed and Erin and I just sat on the floor watching him go to sleep.

Lucas, the amazing warrior. Thank you God for these and our many blessings.




Waiting to exhale