Answered Prayers

picture from  Cousin Laura last night 11/17

picture from Cousin Laura last night 11/17

Positive news from Team Lucas global headquarters.

From CHOP re Lucas LP we prayed about last night, and for what feels like forever.

This is the second spinal tap that didn’t see spinal disease. To be clear there are still a lot of hills to climb, but as my wife says, “I’ll take it.!”

We are still focused on the spinal continuing this path and the marrow, but tonight, tonight we make cookies and ice cream. Tonight we watch Avengers. Tonight we hug our main Avenger and hero, Mr. Lucas Patrick Gourley. Tonight we give the glory of this healing to God.

let’s do this

CHOP wrote:

Hi all,


Just wanted to pass along the good news that the pathologists did NOT see any leukemia cells on Lucas’ spinal fluid from today! Hooray J


Hope you guys have a good day away from CHOP! Definitely try some good pancakes for breakfast!!



St. Patrick and The Highwaymen


Prayers for Lucas