Love and Light

by Erin Gourley

Lucas started his 3rd chemo regimen Monday, November 2nd.. He’s still outpatient which has been a blessing for his mental health. He’s on several chemos and meds and will be for the next 21 days. He had his LP under anesthesia Monday, November 9th, and received a new spinal chemo. According to the team, his spine currently looks clear but we need multiple consecutive results to determine this as such. This would be amazing because it would not only eliminate the need for radiation, but it would mean that his spinal fluid is clear which is a precursor to receiving a stem cell transplant. Bone marrow is a different story and praying these new chemos destroy the cancer.

I was SO happy to see Jack and Dylan last week. Talk about filling my cup. Lucas sent home his ‘Li Li’ (lion stuffed animal) so DD could sleep with him. She’s an angel. And Jack’s been amazing playing with Lucas everyday without complaining when I tell him I need his help to entertain Lucas. It’s hard for them not to have us home but they are understanding for the moment.


We’re so thankful to be at CHOP and the care has been outstanding. We were staying at AKA University City and we are so thankful to Larry and team for taking such amazing care of us. On Sunday, we moved to a house in a cool neighborhood called Fitler Square, its 3 minutes from CHOP, has a garage and is half a block from one of the best parks in the city. Thank you Cameron and Cade our new friends whom we’ve never met for letting us rent your place. Angels really have appeared at every turn through this challenging time.

Because we’re near the park, Lucas can practice his one arm football catches on a daily basis. He gets winded but the littlest outing is good for his soul especially after months in hospitals. And Brian, well he might know the whole neighborhood. He’s like the Grandpa that sits out on the stoop saying hi to everyone when they walk by. It makes me and Lucas laugh and we’ll take the humor :) We even had our sweet new neighbors bring over a ‘Welcome to Philly Lucas Bear’ sign which was so thoughtful.

lucas fb fitler.jpg
neighbors in Philly made Lucas a beautiful sign

neighbors in Philly made Lucas a beautiful sign

relaxed outpatient monitoring

relaxed outpatient monitoring

We’re all hanging in there and your continued support gives us strength. All of you have no idea how much it holds us up when we get down and keeps us going to turn the beat around. Lucas is such a tough cookie and his feisty spirit are still in working order. He’s gotten really into Ironman because he can relate with his broviak. It’s pretty cute.

Our prayers are for his central nervous system to be clean and clear of cancer, for the chemo to eradicate the cancer in his bones and marrow, and for infections & fevers to stay at bay so Lucas can stay outpatient. We pray for remission at the end of this round and miracles to keep coming to save Lucas Bear.

Much love and light to everyone. Love and light will get us thru.

P.S-thanks Lynnfield, MA Aunties for organizing the blood drive in honor of Lucas. My hometown never disappoints.


Prayers for Lucas


Lucas Stories