Prayers + Determination

Jack “visited” Lucas from the parking lot, first time they had seen eachother in 5 weeks.  We facetimed while it was going on and took a screen shot.  I don’t think Lucas looks sad, I think he looks like a Tiger that is in a cage, and just wants to …

Jack “visited” Lucas from the parking lot, while Lucas looked down from 9th floor. first time they had seen eachother in 5 weeks. We facetimed while it was going on and took a screen shot. I don’t think Lucas looks sad, I think he looks like a Tiger that is in a cage, and just wants to get out. That’s my take on this kid - Brian

Written by Erin Gourley

Thanks so much for everyones continued prayers. The past few days we’ve been hoping his neutrophil counts would go up. They went up to 0.03 (meaning 30 neutrophils) on Saturday and have plateaued there since Saturday. His platelets are going up some which is a good thing.

They don’t want to wait beyond day 36 for the bone marrow assessment procedure so he is booked for Thursday morning to assess if the tumor cells are still present.

We’ve been disappointed and have been trying to stay positive. I especially was down the past few days but yesterday Lucas amazed me and it was hard not to be upbeat about this kid. Typically, he walks 10 ‘laps’ around the floor. We’re in the oceans (leukemia) section and mountain and meadow sections are around the corner forming a figure 8 around floor 9. Lucas decided yesterday he was going to do 15 laps fast. Then, after 15 he said ‘Mommy I’m going to do 25’. Then, he said ’nope, I’m doing 35’. He did 41 laps pushing his IV unit the whole way for over 40 minutes. All the nurses in each section of the floor cheered for him. Diane, who cleans floor 9, was in awe. The other kids many younger than Lucas were inspired by him. He did not look like a kid at zero with Leukemia. He gave me hope and made me get out of my funk.

This morning Lucas did 61 laps.

We’re praying that his counts go up quickly. We're also REALLY praying that when they do the bone marrow assessment the doctors won’t see any tumor cells meaning he won’t need a bone marrow transplant. Big week. Big prayers. Round 2 of chemo starts after we get thru all of this.

Lucas is my hero I’ll tell you. Love to you all.


Bone Marrow Extraction


Neutrophils Please Go Up!