Prayers from Mommy

by Erin Gourley


The past few days have been tough on Lucas. He’s fighting hard. He completed chemo on day 10. Today is day 13. He’s essentially at zero so the chemo did it’s job we hope getting the tumor cells out of his blood and bones. But his risk of infection is high and he will undergo 3-4 more month ‘rounds’ of chemo/recovery periods to kill off the tumor cells at deeper levels.

Fevers and vomiting came back night 10 which was alarming. Because of this the doctors worry about an infection since he has no WBC to fight off them. Due to the fever he was contained in his room.

Yesterday they did many work ups on him and sweet boy he was tired and endured them all. The doctors are trying to identify if it’s a fungal infection. He had an abdominal ultrasound (looked normal), CT scan (to see if fungal in his lungs-this was a bit ‘hazy’ so they are wondering if there’s infection there), an ENT nose scope (no fungal there) and blood tests to trace fungal (results not in). They are treating him with anti fungal and anti bacterial medicines. Good news no fever last night. I’ll take it!

He can’t eat due to the sores internally on his esophagus. He cries when he has a sip of water even. This they think is due to the chemo and we need his WBC to go up to fight this off.

We’re praying for no fevers, no infections and if he has one in there that it’s beaten down with the new drugs, that his WBC (the good healthy ones) start coming back, no bone marrow transplant needed and no genetic mutations (results coming soon from Mayo Clinic). We recognize there will be hills and valleys and staying strong for Lucas. He is still our little warrior.

Your prayers are working! I’ve never believed more in the power of prayer than I do now. Thanks so much for all that you are doing to support Lucas and our family. We couldn’t do this without you. And thanks Auntie Missy for taking this week with Jack and Dylan.

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