First Blog Lucas Gourley New Site

Good morning Team Lucas-

We truly appreciate your support. This is going to be the new / centralized place for Team Lucas to replace the Caring Bridge site.

Todays Prayers:

  • Lucas is going to endure a stronger round of Chemo tonight that targets his protein. Although his white blood cell counts are down, this is going to increase his fevers and it will be a hard night. Please pray for his strength and our caregiving team’s strength.

  • Please pray for Karen, Jack and Dylan this week. They have been the home-team

  • Pray for our wisdom as we receive information to help us navigate and make the best decisions for Lucas care

  • Pray for Lucas to be able to walk around the hospital today, and hopefully go see the gym

Thank you all and God Bless.

Team Lucas


Celtic Warrior


Chemo Prayer