Good News + Consensus

Hi, Brian here, just wanted to update everyone that our concerns regarding Lucas MRI have been double confirmed to be clear by the CHOP and the Dell Children’s Team. Lucas CSF was clear of leukemia, but there were still some uncertain comments that we needed to understand, and now we do.

It’s complicated to get consensus from Neuro Radiologists / Neurologists / Oncologists / Transplant Team who then have to translate everything into English for me and Erin because everyone has different ways they take images, different patient populations that they see. For example, Dell sees a wide variety of patients but CHOP sees more of a concentration of bone marrow transplant populations, so the experience is different. They use different contrasts, different levels of machines, there are many many choices to make and when it comes to the brain you really have to be careful. Combine this with the holidays, Omicron and the medical records across institutions and it adds layers to the cake of stress that we have experienced over the past month.

Special thanks to Dr. Shannon Cohn, and Dr. Steven Roach @dell for quarterbacking the situation in Austin and making sure we left no stone unturned.

I can say without a doubt that prayers carried us through this , so thank you so much for those prayers.

Happy New Year from Team Lucas!


Thank you Blood Donors !!


Lucas -Today's Update