The Snowy Day

by Erin Gourley


The Snowy Day 

Considering tomorrow Lucas is going inpatient, and how much we miss Jack,  we made today fun and special. Between Dylan making a snowman and Lucas shooting hoops it was a perfect afternoon.  When we got back to the house, ‘Orange Sky’ was playing on Pandora. I have NEVER heard of this song before Brian made the video a few months ago. Angels above are looking over Lucas and Dylan. God is protecting Lucas and we thank God for carrying us this far. Since we’re snowed in, we’re playing music, trying to make it a great positive day for Lucas since it’s his final day outpatient pre-transplant.


Lucas Legend is Going In 

Tomorrow Lucas will be admitted ‘inpatient’ to continue the radiation and begin conditioning chemos prior to transplant. We are ready to get moving to transplant, conscious that it has the potential to get really hard, but also completely conscious that this is a miracle. Your prayers have helped pull us along this far and got us here. 


The Girl is Back in Town

We’re happy to have Brian and Dylan back. This am Dylan powered through her labs and didn’t flinch at the 15 tubes of blood they took from her. Lucas did great at day 2 of cranial radiation (the staff at Penn is amazing, but Brian agrees it’s very challenging to watch as a parent). 


We’re focused on 1 step at a time in the next phase of this journey.


* May the radiation do what it needs to do without harming Lucas’s brain/cognition. 

* For protection and safety of his organs during radiation treatments and conditioning chemos.

* May his spinal fluid pressure stay in the normal range during this phase.

* For no complications, infections, fevers or any damage to Lucas’s body internally.

* Huge prayers for the marrow and spinal fluid stay at zero disease thru to transplant on the 11th.

* May all of these procedures do the work they need to have him in the best possible position to receive and accept Dylan’s cells for transplant.

* For strength and courage for Lucas and Dylan’s strong health as she prepares for her harvest.


T minus 4


Bringer of Light