Bringer of Light

Supporters of Team Lucas are optimists. Lucas means ‘bringer of light.’

Dylan and I are leaving Austin for Philly today so that she can donate her bone marrow to her big bro. We are optimistic about our care team for Lucas and the path that he is on, but we are also very conscious of the recent losses that our community has experienced.

Sunrise over Brykerwoods, 35th St / Mopac   Austin, TX

Sunrise over Brykerwoods, 35th St / Mopac Austin, TX

I am sure many people are struggling with the tragic incident that occurred to Dr. Lindley Dodson this week in Austin. I am also sure many people are struggling with the loss of our sweet little man Charlie Raymond in Houston (link to caringbridge site) .

From Charlies Caring Bridge site:

“"Where are we going Pooh?" "Home Piglet. We're going home, because that's the best thing to do right now." Charlie is in our eternal home. This world is a moment in time, but we will be with our child forever in Heaven. Praise The Lord for His Promise that we get to live with Him in Heaven forever as His children.”

When I drive around the community close to the clinic that the tragedy took place in Austin I see Mardi Gras ribbons everywhere. Dr. Dodson who was originally from Baton Rouge, was a welcomed part of our pediatric community, and it cuts particularly deep for us, knowing how important pediatrics is to our society. These ribbons serve to honor her memory, but they also honor her family and doctors of children everywhere.

Lucas is ready to fight the battle for pediatrics, he is ready to fight the battle for kids like Charlie who didn’t make it, and we stand in service to God. We have faith that both of these warriors lost this week stand in heaven together, holding hands and shining their smiles upon us here on earth.

This week, on Lucas prayer wall, we want to open up to pray not only for Lucas but for healing to occur in the families and communities affected by the recent tragedies.

Be extra gentle to one another this year, remember what people have going on. What you see on the surface is rarely what lies beneath.


The Snowy Day


Prayers for tomorrow