Prayers for tomorrow

Lucas starts cranial radiation tomorrow at 11:15 AM EST. We would like to ask for the following prayers:

  • That the cranial radiation clears his spinal fluid of any and all cancer cells

  • That this treatment is done effectively, efficiently and safely.

  • For Lucas to have courage as he puts on the mask, and undergoes the radiation.

  • We pray Lord for no damage to Lucas’ organs or body.

  • We pray for Mommy as she is there alone with Lucas tomorrow.

  • We are so grateful God for your miracle of getting us to this place, the place where we can fight this cancer with a path forward, we are grateful for the experience of this team and for the power of prayer.

  • Thank you God for giving us strength, for the community that has bonded over this child, and for all the many lives his fight has inspired and strengthened.

  • Thank you for Lucas, Jack and Dylan. Thank you for family, and our loved ones and for being there for us, God.

  • Please God let Lucas lean in to his warrior strength and fearlessness tomorrow.

Lucas has a big next week. Dylan and Daddy will fly up on Sunday, Lucas will also have cranial radiation on Monday and Tuesday, followed by admission for transplant on Feb 2, with total body radiation and conditioning chemos next week before transplant.

Please also pray for our friends the Raymond’s son, Charlie, who has been in the ICU at CHOP this week fighting for his life.

Thank you God for this day, and for everything you have blessed us with. Thank you for the strength that we get from you God. Amen


Bringer of Light


Living on a prayer !