The Celtic Longhorn

by Brian Gourley

Good morning Team Lucas. Lucas is in his 7th day of his second round of chemo, undergoing around 6-8 hours per day. Dr. Branko Cuglievan and the team are VERY closely monitoring his numbers, white blood cell counts went down significantly and we were told he is the youngest person in the world to ever be put on the trial med that they are using to inhibit the FLT3 genetic mutation. Lucas cannot wait for the Celtics to play in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference finals tonight. Put on your green.

His skin is paler, his hair (what is left) is whiter. It reminds me of when Gandalf the wizard came back in Lord of the Rings as Gandalf the White. A wiser version of himself. Gandalf was a total bad ass, not as bad ass as Lucas, but bad ass. When I first got to the hospital a couple days ago I noticed it first thing. His cheeks are getting flush more often, the effects of the chemo compounding over time.

I went through the list of meds Lucas has taken since we were admitted to MDA, and it read like movie credits of the longest movie you have ever seen. The amount that has has already been put through is more medicine and chemicals that most of us will receive in a lifetime. I am not exaggerating when I say that. He is 6.


  • We thank God for Lucas having no leukemia cells in his spine in the last lumbar puncture. The spine is different than the bone marrow, but its really important that it remains clean.

  • We thank God for Dylan being his match.

  • We thank God for the care team and the friends and family support system.

  • We received a very sweet message from the Longhorn Football Team over the weekend which has been posted on the “Get Involved” Section

  • Team Lucas T-shirts, Elizabeth Vaughan put together, the link is also on the “Get Involved” section. She is taking orders for a few more days.

  • Your prayers on the Prayer Wall have been amazing. They lifted us up when we were down. Reading the prayers


  • We will keep posting new prayers on the Prayer Wall. Today’s prayers are for the chemo to continue its work, for Lucas fighting spirit to remain high and in tact. To keep his body free from bacterial and fungal infections. For his sister Dylan to stay healthy as she prepares to be his stem cell donor. For his 9 year old brother Jack who is the leader of the siblings and misses his friends.

  • Lucas will have another Lumbar Puncture on Thursday, we pray that the surgeons perform it well and his spine is clean of leukemia.

Lucas , Jack and Dylan mid July before Jack went to Camp Stewart

Lucas , Jack and Dylan mid July before Jack went to Camp Stewart

Lucas playing with Jack after round 1 in Houston

Lucas playing with Jack after round 1 in Houston


Tonights Prayers Sept 17


Different kind of Gospel